Welcommittees! - Estimator Committee

In 'Welcommitees!' we present all new committees that started in September. We asked everyone to tell something about themselves and to answer three questions about their committee members. In this episode we introduce to you the Estimator committee, yes, the girls and guys who make this very magazine come into existence.


Hi! My name’s Amber and I’m 18 years old. I started studying International Econometrics and Operations Research this year and am also a part of the Estimator Committee. Besides studying and trying not to starve until I go back home in the weekend, I sleep a lot. My hobbies also include travelling, skiing, singing, hanging out with friends and, of course, writing.

I do awkward things on a daily basis, but I guess my most embarrassing moment would be that time I licked a lamppost

I do awkward things on a daily basis, but I guess my most embarrassing moment would be that time I licked a lamppost (don’t ask) during winter and got stuck to it. If you’re curious, yes, my tongue is still fine. Don’t try it though.

It’s definitely going to be an awesome year with great people and I hope we’ll provide our fellow FAECTOR members with a lot of fun stuff to read and – how could we not – a few embarrassing pictures.

P.S. If I die, it’s probably because of Arjan’s terrible puns.


Hej hej, Arjan here! or how some like to call me Ar/Arrie/Barman/Barfjan (depending on the night)/Arjen or absolute legend. I probably have more nicknames than pi has digits (a lot). Mostly I’m referred to as Arjen though. This yeAr I have the tough job to lead this bunch of Estimaatjes, as the manager of the Estimator Committee. Besides this nerve wrecking and very stressful task, I’m pArt time “levensgenieter” at Delta Lloyd in Amsterdam (Yes I’m an Arbaider).

Whenever I have a spAre hour or two I love to go out to the Kralingse Bos, and do LARP together with my roomie Maurits the Brown. His level 588 Mage Orc has no chance against my way stronger level 590 wArlock. I also invest a lot of time in Floryn Traders, my investment group at B&R beurs. It might not surprise you that I’m also the Chair of the group (I’m really more of a couch guy though!).

Whenever I have a spAre hour or two I love to go out to the Kralingse Bos, and do LARP together with my roomie Maurits the Brown

As (supposedly) 4th yeAr econometrician it is very very hArd to pick one of the many embArrassing moments. Last year I broke my wrist while abroad. After rocking that cast for about a month I finally got to take it off and was able to move my Arm again. However that didn’t last too long, at a Mexican themed pArty I attempted to limbo. “Attempted” is the key word here however, as I fell down horribly (blaming the beersoaked floor). My wrist felt pretty bad once again so I decided to go to the hospital. Accompanied by my Swedish buddy (as my Svenska wasn’t that great back then) I went to the hospital. The thing we didn’t really take into account was that we were both fully dressed up as mexicans and it was 1 A.M. The hospital staff tried to send us home but my buddy refused to accept that, so in the end they took another x-ray and luckily it wasn’t broken (at least that’s what they told me).

As my Estimator Committee will only last till JanuAry, expectancies obviously couldn´t be too high. We luckily made it to the 100k likes on FB during my reign. Unfortunately we didn't have an interview with our Majesty King Willem Alexander as planned, but sometimes not everything works out.


Hi there,

Getting used to the big city didn’t take me long though, and I attribute this to my globetrotter background

My name is Geert and I am a first year Bsc2 student. I moved to Rotterdam from the remote, but picturesque, city of Axel, near the Belgian border in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Getting used to the big city didn’t take me long though, and I attribute this to my globetrotter background. Besides travelling the world and indulging myself in new cultures, I enjoy playing the guitar and engaging in a wide variety of sports.

I am currently a member of the Estimator committee, which has thus far enabled me to interview professors, write interesting articles and, last but not least, participate in the marvellous Active Members events. Our goal as the Estimator committee is to uphold and maintain the high standards you guys have come to love us for.
Though I am in the fortunate position of not having a long list of embarrassing situations, I can be very competitive which has put me in some awkward situations over the years: feats such as breaking my brand-new tennis racket in half after a lost game aren’t among my proudest achievements.


Hi! My name is Deniz, a BScstudent from Turkey. I love to make music and watch comedy shows. Along with them, I am quite obsessed with politics and late history, so I spend a lot of time reading newspapers and political magazines. If you’re looking for somebody to talk about what’s going on in Turkey recently, I’m the one. I developed an interest in journalism due to that, so I ended up in the Estimator committee.

I said “Well, that woman over there is a bit older, but still could be considered beautiful.” He answered: “She is my mother.”

Throughout the year, the Estimator will entertain you fellow readers with our (mostly Arjan’s) great puns, reach a wider audience and ultimately dominate the media industry in order to restore a new world order under the leadership of Chairman Arjan while Mateusz supervises us. Also, we will be publishing some news and very helpful educational and professional content.

My most embarrassing experience happened during an event with a friend of mine. He was complaining that there was not a single beautiful woman in the hall. I said “Well, that woman over there is a bit older, but still could be considered beautiful.” He answered: “She is my mother.” It was horrible.


Hi there! My name is Olga, I am 18 years old and I am in my first year of the BSc2 programme. This year I also joined the Estimator Committee due to my love for writing. When I am not desperately trying to pass a block, I enjoy the most basic things, like hanging out with friends and watching Netflix (using the word Netflix loosely here just for legal purposes).

At my high school, every time you were late, you had to get a note to be allowed to join class. During my 5th year I managed to get 32 of those things

I must admit, when you’re me, it is hard to pick just one embarrassing, as these things happen on a daily basis. This one is about one of my lesser qualities - I am always late. At my high school, every time you were late, you had to get a note to be allowed to join class. During my 5th year I managed to get 32 of those things. The best part of the story came about during my IB graduation, as, no surprise here, I was late to that too. What I didn't know while trying to sneak my way into the auditorium, was that by now this was so expected, my English teacher even worked it into her speech. When I came in, all eyes were on me. Not only was it planned for me to come on stage first, but I even managed to make a grand entrance just as my teacher said 'Olga is always just in time’.

I have great expectations of this year. I am really looking forward to all the Active Members events. Estimator is definitely going to be a lot of fun and I hope that we will be able to keep up the good work and inform you on all things econometrics, whether educational or not so much.


Dear reader of this fantastic Estimator platform,

The observant reader might know me already from my appearance in the Welcommittee article of the Marketing Committee, some of you might not. My name is Mateusz and I am the IT & Marketing Officer of the 51st board this year. Next to my busy tasks as a member of the board, I am also the supervisor this year of the Estimator Committee. I am 51-30 years old and am from Noord-Brabant, a southern province in the Netherlands, from a nice vibrant city called Bergen op Zoom (or Krabbegat during carnaval).

Last year I was the chairman of the first Marketing Committee and with that came a lot of creative thinking, as well as the responsibility to make last year’s Almanac with my committee to a great success. With it’s amazing theme (Quote 50) and it’s marvelous articles we have definitely made this happen. Don’t have a copy yet? No worries! You can still pick up one at our office (H10-05) and if you want, our secretary Jeroen can write a nice message in your copy.

If you want to read one of my many embarrassing stories, I want to refer you to the Welcommittee article of the Marketing Committee

This year I want to make sure that, together with this great team of editors (also called Estimaties), we broaden the vision of our Estimator platform to all pillars of our beloved association, as well as give our members and others the possibility to share their insights, experiences and personal stories amongst all whom are interested. From interviews with your teacher or favourite committee to coverage of the latest news or most recent activities of FAECTOR, all Estimaties are always there to take up the pen and write about stories or things that are going on that you like the most! If you have any suggestions, material or ideas that you want to see in the Estimator, don’t hesitate to send a message to estimator@faector.nl. Don’t be afraid, we always send you an answer.

If you want to read one of my many embarrassing stories, I want to refer you to the Welcommittee article of the Marketing Committee, which also makes a nice opportunity as well to take a look at the other articles of the Estimator from last year so that you are sure that you did not miss out on anything!


Who chose econometrics for the money?

Who will end up in the Playboy?

Who is going to be a criminal mastermind?

Liked this interview? Do you have any input that you think the Estimator is missing? Want to be a part of one of the biggest Active Members families of all econometric study associations in the Netherlands? Then do not hesitate and apply for the Estimator Committee 2017! You can get more information of all committees that open up this January through this page. Note that the deadline for applying for the Estimator Committee, as well as for all other committees, is Saturday the 14th of January at 23:59!

About this article

Written by:
  • Geert Oosterbroek
| Published on: Jan 12, 2017