Speed date with all the new committees that started in September by reading the Welcommittees! Is it a match? Do you swipe left or right? We asked everyone to tell something (embarrassing) about themselves and to answer three questions about their committee members. Next up is the Activities Committee! Having organised an all too succesful Beer Cantus that lots of people will eternally (not) remember, more big things like the City Trip (!!) are coming up and they aren't stopping there. Who are these ladies and gentlemen responsible for some of FAECTOR's greatest events?
I’m Aniek. I’m twenty years old and I am in my second year now. The most embarrassing thing I’ve experienced was after a Beer Cantus. I was dressed up in a heidi dress and had an amazing evening drinking and singing, but unfortunately, I took the drinking part a bit too seriously. I missed the last metro so I had to sleep at a friend’s house. The next morning I had to take the metro in my heidi dress, without a coat and a with very bad hangover on a regular Wednesday morning, when people were taking the metro to get to work. Let’s just say people couldn’t stop staring at my beautiful appearance of that morning.
My special talent is that I go to my lectures, pay no attention at all, but I’m still proud of myself because at least I went. Lastly, this year I want to achieve with the AC that everybody will take the drinking part at the Beer Cantus as seriously as I did that one time.
edit: they sure did.
I am Tim. I am 18 years old and I am currently in my second year Dutch Econometrics. After a busy first year, I decided to join FAECTOR and earned a place in the best committee (AC!!). Apart from FAECTOR, I devote my life to drinking pils and occasionally playing the piano.
The most embarrassing thing I’ve experienced was thinking that writing a love letter was the way to a girl’s heart. Poor 11 year old me.
As for special talents, I can produce a rather loud sound by clicking my tongue. Also, I can rap a significant part of Rapper’s Delight by The Sugarhill Gang.
Obviously beating previous AC’s in organizing the most crazy events is what I want to accomplish, but since we’re sure of achieving that goal, it would be nice to bring even more spirit into the party behavior of all FAECTOR members.
My name is Carla Dausend, currently I am a second year student of the BSc² Econometrics/ Economics. I am from Germany, lived a year in the USA and moved to Rotterdam right after my graduation. Last year I was already active at FAECTOR in the Freshmen Committee, I liked it so much that I wanted to stay active and organize the best activities of the year (!!) - and which better committee to do in that than in the AC? Besides university and FAECTOR, I also do a lot of sports, I like to paint, I am a member of B&R Beurs, I love to travel and of course go out with my friends.
I am amazing at sleeping, I can sleep when and wherever I want. For example this summer I was traveling through Asia and I slept through an 18 hours curvy and bumpy bus ride; I didn’t even wake up once.
My most embarrasing moment… I was quite drunk once and that day I had arrived at a new hostel, so when my friends and I came back from the party, I accidentally laid down in the wrong bed, not noticing that somebody else was already lying there. Next day the guy came up to talk to me and of course I had forgotten all about it :D
We will organize the BEST events FAECTOR ever had, you can all start being excited already. It's going to be legen wait for it …. dary!
My name is Marie-Sophie Graftiaux, I am a third year student of the single bachelor. I was born and raised in Strasbourg, France and came to the Netherlands two years ago. Since then you might have seen me at quite some FAECTOR events. This year I decided to join my third committee at FAECTOR and that’s how I became the chairwoman of the AC!
My special talent is that I am fluent in a bit more languages than a normal person (some of them work best after a drink)
The most embarrassing thing I’ve ever experienced… I guess this would be the day I realized I can’t solve the 6x6 rubik's cube drunk :’(
Besides organizing the greatest activities for all of our beloved members, I also want to make this one of the best years for me and my committee. We already planned our first sleepover! I am most looking forward to this year’s city trip, which is probably going to be our biggest activity.
Hi, I’m Hiro. I’m twenty years old and I’m in my second year of my Bachelor. When I sport, which I do quite often, I like to play football or squash. Besides sports, I like gezelligheid and adting some baks.
But adting some baks can have embarrassing moments as result. One of these moments was a few years ago on a holiday with friends. After a good evening of adting baks, we went to the beach. When we wanted to go home, I thought it was a good idea to walk home with underwear on my head and without shoes and shirt. When I woke up on the couch and my friend showed me the snapchats, naturally, I was a little embarrassed. This is one of the many embarrassing things I have experienced in my life.
Besides experiencing embarrassing moments I can also penflick. It might not be that useful, but I’m proud of it. If you ever want to see it, just ask me.
Together with my awesome committee, I want to organize the best city trip FAECTOR ever had, which we will do for sure.
I am Tobias, 21 years old and the treasurer of FAECTOR. I have done three years of the economics/econometrics double degree programme, which means I will have to do one more year of my Bachelor after my board year. In my free time I like to do a lot of sports. I do running, I work out and I play korfball at RSKV Erasmus, of which I was the treasurer last year.
I’m really enjoying my year in the FAECTOR board and I love taking part in all the activities. The highlights will be the Ski Trip and City Trip and of course the legendary Beer Cantus, although I also very much enjoyed the board weekend to Gran Canaria (too bad it was on our own cost).
During the citytrip in Prague we had to do 51 (bah) squats for the Crazy 88. Unfortunately, I completely tore out of my pants and had to walk back all the way!
My special talent: I can do that dance with your arms back and forth besides your body.
Obviously we’re going to have great events, but I would also like to become a tight group of friends!