Most of you may have seen the members of the 54th board at Eurekaweek or at activities such as the after exam drink. To find out more about the people who form the backbone of FAECTOR, we asked the board members to introduce themselves and we asked them some fun questions as well!
Daniël Allick - President
Hey everybody, I am Daniël and this year I am the President of the board. As part of my tasks, I will focus on the long term goals of the association and I try to keep all the board members happy. Contrary to the other board members, the president usually doesn’t supervise any committee. However, since FAECTOR organises the LED 2020 (Landelijke Econometristen Dag), I do supervise one committee this year. In my free time I like to play squash with my friends, plan to visit the gym and cook very nice mushroom risotto.
Fun fact: I once got chased by a Shetland pony and I've feared horses ever since.

Sophie Braggaar - Secretary
Hi! My name is Sophie Braggaar. I am the Secretary of the 54th board. As a secretary I am the general contact person with the FAECTOR members, I am the one in charge for all kind of minutes and I organise amazing social events with my committees. I am the supervisor of the Eerstejaarscommissie and the Event Committee which organise for example the Ski Trip, PINKWIN and a hitchhiking weekend. Besides that, I am in charge of the Alumni committee which organises events for our graduated econometricians and stay in charge or our alumni association RECNET. Amongst others, I am the supervisor of the wonderful Estimator Committee this year. In my free time I love to play hockey or have a tea (or wine) night with my friends, including a lot of games.
Fun fact: I am still not able to chug a beer, but I would like to learn that in my board year.

Fabrice van Roozendaal - Treasurer
Hi! My name is Fabrice van Roozendaal, I am the Treasurer at FAECTOR. As treasurer I am in charge of the money of our beautiful association, so that it can stay beautiful too! Being the treasurer is quite diverse, I am not only be behind my computer playing with money and budgets, but I also supervise three committees: The Activities Committee, the Internal Activities Committee, and the FAECTOR Consultancy Committee! Though I am Dutch, I lived in Belgium for 14 years! I still really enjoy a good beer or a nice piece of chocolate, but also ‘het Bourgondisch leven’! I enjoy cooking, playing the piano, playing hockey and tennis, and if possible scuba diving and sailing! But somehow I have not found much spare time the past few months...
Fun fact: My real name is Fabricius.

Charlotte van der Heide - Career Officer
Hi! My name is Charlotte and I am the Career Officer of the 54th board of FAECTOR. This basically means that I am in charge of our career portfolio. Most of our career events will be organised by me or one of the committees I supervise. The first event coming up is the Econometric Career Days 2019, where you will have the opportunity to meet over 25 companies during various activities in a week filled with events! At the end of this year, I will organise the Quantitative Finance Tour during which a group of students will visit multiple investment banks in London. Moreover, I support Herman with the acquisition of companies for which I visited numerous of our partners this summer and I am supervisor of the external committee. In my spare time I enjoy beating some of my board members at squash (still working on beating Daniël though…), going to the ‘Koopgoot’ to shop and hanging out with friends.
Fun fact: I always wear two different socks as I am too lazy to sort them.

Herman Martens - Commercial Officer
Hi! My name is Herman Martens and I am the Commercial Officer this year. My main responsibility is the acquisition of sponsors for FAECTOR. This means that in the summer period I visit a lot of companies that potentially want to join our events. Next to this, I am responsible for our vacancy website This website has entirely been renewed this summer, which was very interesting and exciting to be a part of. I also supervise two committees, which are the ICansultancy Committee and the Business Trip Committee. In my free time I like to play hockey or simply go for a run and in the winter I love to go skiing.
Fun fact: I have never been an active member before.

Evita Hoogeveen - Educational Officer
Hi all! My name is Evita Hoogeveen and I’m the Educational Officer of the 54th board. As Educational Officer I’m responsible for all the contact with the university, so with the employees of Erasmus School of Economics and all the professors. I also make sure the educational portfolio of FAECTOR is up to date. Next to this, I’m supervising three committees; the Freshmen Committee (since I am also in charge of internationalisation at FAECTOR), Excellence Programme Committee and the FAECTOR Research Project Committee. In my free time I like to explore new ‘hipster’ places together with friends in the beautiful ‘Oude Noorden’. I like to go out for a run at Kralingse Plas or at the Reeuwijkse Plassen, since I’m from the always exciting village Reeuwijk-Dorp.
Fun fact: We celebrate carnaval in Reeuwijk-Dorp, even though it’s above the rivers… Maybe that’s why I like ‘het foute uur’ at Q Music so much.

Hiro French - Marketing and Innovation Officer
Hi! I’m Hiro French and I’ll be the Marketing & Innovation Officer upcoming year! This means I’m responsible for the presentation of FAECTOR towards the university, students and companies. Furthermore I’m looking into the long term marketing goals of FAECTOR. Additionally I supervise three committees upcoming year, the Marketing Committee, IT Committee and the Lustrum Committee. Since next year will be our 11th lustrum, from January onwards the Lustrum Committee will start! In my spare time I like to have a drink with friends or play squash.
Fun fact: I am the shortest marketing officer so far :) I have four different nationalities.

We also asked the board some fun questions!

Don’t forget to pass by the FAECTOR office from time to time to have a nice chat with the board members!