TESTimator: toilets on campus

The TESTimator is here to test things for you, so you don’t have to try everything out anymore and can just go for the best option. For this edition, we reviewed places on campus that we all visit: the toilets. Toilets of different buildings were tested based on how clean and busy they are, space and some extra requirements. Below you’ll find what we thought.


Score: 2/5

The toilets in our beloved library are very okay in quiet times, but in exam week, it seems better to avoid them (which is not very ideal at those moments…). The toilets itself are fine and the cabins are of very average size, and it is great that you can fill a water bottle under the taps in these toilets. However, especially in busy times, they are often quite dirty, out of toilet paper and extremely busy. What even makes the lines for the ladies’ toilet worse, is that one of them has been broken for a very long time now. The Estimator would therefore recommend combining your walks outside the library with a toilet visit somewhere else, if possible. The walk to Theil building or even the P-building is just a few minutes away, and they are not very busy and definitely cleaner than the library.  A meager score of 2 therefore is given for the library.

G building

Score: 1/5

The G building is very old, and so are its toilets. The cabins are extremely small and very dark, so definitely avoid them when you suffer from some kind of claustrophobia. When it comes to cleanliness, our judgement is not much better: since the tiles are so old, it is basically impossible to see if there has recently been a cleaner. Still, we suspect that cleaners come by these toilets less often than in other buildings. Another disadvantage is the fact that the taps make it impossible to fill your water bottle. Still, there is one plus side on these toilets: they are close to the FAECTOR office, and therefore close to a nice cup of free coffee. Therefore, still one star.

Sanders building

Score: 4/5

The Sanders building was renovated quite recently, which makes the toilets give a nice first impression. The lighting is great, so these toilets are also the perfect place to check your outfit or make-up, and a plus is that a water bottle can be filled at the taps. Not only that, some bathrooms offer a full length mirror, so while you are at it, you can also take a nice OOTD picture. In terms of space, the cabins get a nice score, and it is nice that there are hooks on the doors to hang your coat. Most of the time, the Sanders toilets are also quite clean and not too busy, which is nice. Only during times that all lecture rooms have a break, it might happen that you’ll have to wait in line. Pro tip for those moments: walk up one flight of stairs, and there’s a lot less people waiting in line there. All in all, the toilets get a score of ⅘ overall.

Theil building

Score: 3/5

Although it is a pity that the toilets in Theil building are not located directly next to the main lecture halls (unless those for the disables, which are secretly used by many students), they score pretty high. Cabins are relatively spacious, it is great that there are hooks on the door to hang your coat and taps allow for bottle filling. Besides, there are very many toilets available. Especially the toilets on the first or second floor, or those on the T floor on the side of CB-1, are usually deserted, while there are many stalls free to sit down and relax in. The T floor toilets on the side of the library are usually a bit more crowded, so it’s best to avoid them. When it comes to how clean they are, the toilets on the side of the library get a lower score than the less crowded ones. But for the less crowded ones, it definitely holds that the lack of visitors makes them a lot cleaner. However at times, the toilets right across the library often run out of soap, which is not ideal given the situation we are in now. Sometimes it is also quite dark. All in all, we would thus recommend visiting the toilets in this building: they get a score of ⅗ overall.


Score: 4/5

Polak, a place where many library-haters go to for their studying. The building is very new, and so the toilets still have this new look-and-feel. Cabins are spacious, there are hooks for hanging your coat or bag and the lightning is great. Also, the toilets are often quite clean, which is nice. However, there are some disadvantages: the taps don’t allow you to fill a regular water bottle and there are relatively few toilets per floor available. The latter is problematic during breaks of tutorials, but usually not too much of a problem.  On top of that, there are full length mirrors, and we do enjoy seeing what we look like as we are leaving the bathroom. A great thing about these toilets is that the door opens automatically, so no need to touch a doorknob (very Corona-proof). Polak gets an overall score of ⅘. 


Score: 3/5

Last but not least: the toilets in Mandeville, and specifically those close to tutorial rooms, so on the third and fourth floor. A large difference between the toilets here, and those in other buildings, is that cabins are not fully ‘closed’, which is a disadvantage to some people. On the third floor, there are very many toilets available, as there are several ‘sets’ and all offer a large quantity of cabins to choose from. What is great, is that they are very quiet most of the time, making that you’ll never have to stand in line. The cabins are average in terms of space and have a hook on the door for hanging your stuff. Also, the lack of customers makes that most toilets are quite clean, and a water bottle can be filled under the taps. There are also full length mirrors available. All in all, a score of ⅘.


Score: 3/5

This location, while hidden, may have one of the cleanest toilets around campus just because not a lot of people are using it. P-building is where a lot of the student associations are located. The bathroom has quite more than the average space, but unfortunately has no hook. On top of that there are only 3 cabins, but it makes sense because not a lot of people use it. The only time we see ourselves using it is having to take a little extra steps to go from the library in case the toilets there are quite busy. On the other hand, there is always enough soap and a full length mirror nearby to check yourself out as you are leaving the toilet. Plus, it’s not that difficult to fill your water bottle. All in all, a score of ⅗ is given. 


We hope this article has been of any help to you, and that you now know where to have a pee once uni reopens!

About this article

Written by:
  • Laura Zwiers
  • Athaya Putri
| Published on: Apr 01, 2020