Welcommittees Part 2

In part 2 of the Welcommittees, we present the six other committees at FAECTOR, starting with...The Estimator!


1. Briefly tell us what your committee does.

We exercise our verbal muscles and keep the citizens of FAECTOR entertained and informed. 

Doing too much math can make you ignorant about the world after all. 

2. Who is the most competitive member?


She has great drive to do well in everything.

3. Who drinks the most coffee? 

Monica. She went from drinking no coffee at all to too much in quarantine. 

She just needed a way to get through these times. 

4. Who watches the most Netflix?

Athaya watches everything. And a lot of it. 

We hope you give us more recommendations in Watchables!

5. What made you decide to join this committee?

We don’t really write anything in Econometrics and we miss it. We love writing and want to continue practising it. We also want a nice way to make new friends.
Ishan says he wants to write shit and get away with it. Monica: 🙃

6. What FAECTOR events are you looking forward to?

Free dinners; anything related to food and non-virtual humans (we don't want to eat them though)



Freshmen Committee

1. Briefly tell us what your committee does. 

We are the Freshmen Committee of 2020-2021! Throughout the year, we will be organizing many amazing physical and online events which aim to support the time that Econometricians spend with each other, and de-stress them with fun social activities. We hope to make a start to our events with our annual City Trip, which will be a day of full adventure for the first year students. Next to this, we will be continuing with other events like Karaoke Night, BBQ, Football Tournament which are include all students from the different study years. As a multicultural committee, we are also really excited to get to know each other better. We hope to see you in one of our events!

That's a lot of events. Let's hope they fare better than last year's FC in terms of events getting cancelled...

2. Who is the most competitive member? 

Everyone in our committee is competitive when there is a competition: we are here to win :)

3. Who drinks the most coffee?

Hande: “I might; 6 cups, most days”

Said with the energy of a 45-year old. Oh Hande...

4. Who watches the most Netflix?


5. What made you decide to join this committee?

Have fun, meet people, make friends. We are a wholesome committee.


6. What FAECTOR events are you looking forward to?

AMW, Lustrum Events, After Exam Drinks and all the events that we are organizing. 




Internal Activities Committee

1. Briefly tell us what your committee does.

We as the IntAct committee, organize the best activities and events for all active members of FAECTOR. Our main goal is to get solidarity between all within the committees.

So IntAct is basically the Interior Ministry, except they're fun. 

2. Who is the most competitive member?

The fact that no one wanted to lose this discussion, says enough.

The fact that they interchange the words discussion and argument says enough. 

3. Who drinks the most coffee?

Of course no one can beat our supervisor Saskia with all those long office days.

Thanks Saskia :)

4. Who watches the most Netflix?


 5. What made you decide to join this committee?

It is nice to organize activities for the active members in a way that everyone gets to know their fellow active members. The IntAct committee also brings members within a committee closer together.

6. What FAECTOR events are you looking forward to?

Without a doubt, AMW.

And no one would have expected otherwise.


IT Committee

1. Briefly tell us what your committee does.

The IT committee of FAECTOR consists of some talented Econometricians who support the board and the other committees with all tasks having to do with Information Technology. The committee is determined to innovate the IT of our association as well as possible by bringing IT solutions to enhance the efficiency of many tasks of both board and committee members. 

That's what they say, but they're actually hacking into NASA. 

2. Who is the most competitive member?


Somehow it feels like there was never any other answer to this. Go Anne!

3. Who drinks the most coffee?


4. Who watches the most Netflix?


5. What made you decide to join this committee?

Pieter's face

Give us your beauty secrets, Pieter!

6. What FAECTOR events are you looking forward to?

Active Members Weekend



Lustrum Committee

1.  Briefly tell us what your committee does.

Our committee is responsible for organizing events that are as spectacular you would expect for a Lustrum year. It is well known that we often give it our very best even past midnight, when the creativity flows richly.

So this is a committee of insomniacs. We are sure their hard work will result in some great events!

2.  Who is the most competitive member?

Most competitive? It is no coincidence that competitive starts with a c which is the third letter of the alphabet and the P is also in the alphabet so that has to be Pieter.

Undefiable logic. One must wonder if this is also a midnight musing. 

3.  Who drinks the most coffee?

If you like coffee, you like Stol. If you don’t like coffee you still like Stol. Moral of the story: Stol, CoffeeCo member, likes coffee.

No one is legally allowed to dislike Stol. 

4.  Who watches the most Netflix?

Melissa is the undisputed Netflix champion. Yet to be confirmed, but some say that she has a personal family account just so Netflix can handle the bandwidth.

Oh dear

5.  What made you decide to join this committee?

The way we see it, the decisions of the people deciding not to apply should be questioned, not ours.  However, for some it was an obligatory task in fulfilling a lifelong dream to become Innovation Officer of FAECTOR.

6.  What FAECTOR events are you looking forward to?

Is this the part where we get to promote our upcoming events? They will all be memorable, therefore you should all be there! But we are definitely looking forward to the FAECTOR Post-Vaccination party. 

FAECTOR, make this happen. 




Marketing Committee

1. Briefly tell us what your committee does.

The two main responsibilities of the Marketing Committee are maintaining the professional appearance of FAECTOR and publishing the annual Almanac. Throughout the year we will be responsible for the promotion of all events and FAECTOR in general. We'll choose and design the right merchandise, social media and printed promotion materials. Think about posters, flyers, City Trip booklets, Eurekaweek goodies and billboards on the campus. So you will see the result of your hard work everywhere online and on campus!The other big task is publishing the annual Almanac. This book is an overview of the highlights of the past academic year that is presented during a special drink at the end of the year. The Marketing Committee gets to choose a theme and can customize the book in the most creative way they can.

No one is brave enough to admit it but we are all here for the free merch. And free food. And free beer. 

2. Who is the most competitive member?

Maria, as she can end up throwing the monopoly board through the room!

We hope she has liabilities insurance. 

3. Who drinks the most coffee?

Pieter, as he is non-stop at the FAECTOR office where the best coffee is free for all its members!

Is this his beauty secret?

4. Who watches the most Netflix?

Lotte, because she easily could have played a role in Gossip Girl!

Lotte, when are you auditioning?

5. What made you decide to join this committee?

I like the idea of doing something other than organising events. What I also find interesting is that we have a very diverse group of people from different years and different backgrounds which makes it very gezellig, but also interesting to work with. I look forward to what we are going to do with all our creativity.

6. What FAECTOR events are you looking forward to?

Active Members Weekend and Almanac Reveal

We are excited to see it too!


We wish great success to all our committees and hope you can make the most of this strange year!

Borat Very Nice Great Success - Imgur

About this article

Written by:
  • Monica Panigrahy
  • Saskia de Jong
| Published on: Dec 20, 2020