There is no easy way to talk about it, just like there is no easy way to look at the devastated eyes of hundreds of Ukrainian students in EUR who have been living the past days watching their cities, schools and homes being destroyed, as well as their neighbours, friends and family members getting killed. 

Over the past few days, the world has shown us that the unity of nations, businesses, people, and values can do enormous things. Starting from strict sanctions and foreign aid on the international politics level, to information distribution from the world's most known hacker groups. But also, more importantly, ordinary people’s global support demonstrated through massive protests and rallies, donations and by raising awareness on social media. 

The most important thing to remember while talking about this war, is that it’s not only a Ukrainian - Russian war, it is a war between Russia and the west. Ukraine is fighting for their country, people, and culture, while also fighting for all of Europe and Europeans. 

At the moment, there are thousands of Ukrainian refugees heading towards Poland and the Baltic States, who were forced to leave their homes, and perhaps won’t have a home to return to. They need your support and help. 

As a EUR student, you can also help and show your support, which is highly appreciated. Here is a list of things you can do to help contribute to the end of this war. 

At Erasmus University Rotterdam: 

Donate Donate & Donate. 


EUR student Sandra Garstka has started an initiative to collect donations for Ukrainian refugees entering Poland. “(we are) collecting both money & the most essential goods for Ukrainian refugees entering Poland.”

There are two donation locations on campus: 

Location 1: Polak building, ground floor during opening hours of Polak.

Location 2: P-building, EESA office, every day until Thursday from 10:00 until 17:00. 

Needed goods that you can easily grab at SPAR (most of them) & donate on the campus:

  • first aid: bandages, plasters, paracetamol, antiseptic solution, gauze.

  • hygienic articles: pads, tampons, tooth brushes, tooth paste, wet tissues/toilet paper,

  • EXTRA NEED for baby products

  • food: noodles/instant dishes, healthy bars.

  • other: batteries, charged & working power banks, pocket lamps.

  • Blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothes 

Donations are welcome until March 4!!

For more information and questions contact The Eastern European Students Association at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Money Donations

If you not planning to be on campus this week or donating money suits you better, here is a list of trastwordy NGO’s through who you can donate: 

Speak up! 

Share the true (verified) information, speak up.

There is an insane amount of disinformation being spread around. Especially in Russia, for Russian people. But be active, speak up, share, and protest. There are peaceful protests in major cities of the Netherlands happening almost every day. Take part in rallies. #StayWithUkraine

By staying silent you’re participating in Russian military aggression against Ukraine!

Don’t be indifferent! United we stand for Ukraine.

About this article

Written by:
  • Giedre Krotovaite
| Published on: Mar 02, 2022