The mental health benefits of hobbies: why every student needs one

"Your university years as a young student are often said to be the best years of your life. Make the most of them, as you will never get that time back”. You may have already heard this popular saying in your surroundings. Some students view these years as a thrilling new phase in their lives, one that is full of intellectual growth, social expansion, and self-discovery. For others, though, this time might be extremely detrimental to their mental well-being. The combination of academic pressure, social challenges, and future uncertainties can weigh heavily on their shoulders. This is why it is crucial to find a balance between work and leisure in such a demanding environment. One simple and effective solution to maintain this balance is by practicing hobbies. There are many research studies highlighting the benefits in engaging in hobbies. They include stress reduction, improved cognitive function and artistic expression, providing a much-needed break from academic struggles. This article explores the science behind the mental health benefits of hobbies and why every student should pursue one. 

The science behind hobbies and mental health

Engaging in hobbies helps lower stress levels considerably. In fact, people who participate in leisure activities experience less stress and tend to be more happy. The major reason for that is the lower  secretion of cortisol levels, a hormone the body releases in reaction to stress.  Additionally, hobbies can induce a state of "flow", where an individual becomes fully immersed in an activity, leading to deep focus and satisfaction. This state not only enhances feelings of accomplishment but also contributes to overall happiness and stress reduction. 

Beyond stress relief, hobbies that involve developing new skills or sharpening ones that you already possess provide cognitive benefits that are good for your brain. Cognitive function is improved by engaging in activities like learning a new language, solving puzzles and playing an instrument. According to neurology studies, mentally stimulating activities, including hobbies, are associated with slower cognitive decline in elderly people.  This suggests that engaging in hobbies can help students succeed academically by keeping their minds active and enhancing their problem-solving skills.

Not only do hobbies offer cognitive benefits, but creative activities such as painting or writing also provide a break from the analytical thinking needed for academic work. These hobbies engage the imaginative and emotional parts of the brain providing a powerful outlet for self-expression and boosting positive emotions. This mental shift not only reduces cognitive fatigue but can also inspire more creative thoughts.

For students who prefer social interaction and are more comfortable interacting with others, hobbies that involve group activities or community engagement are excellent options. A sense of belonging can be developed through team sports, volunteering, and club membership. Social ties are essential for mental health because they offer emotional support and reduce feelings of loneliness. According to research published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, social connections protect against depression and anxiety. Strong social connections make individuals less likely to experience mental health issues, emphasizing the importance of social hobbies.

Lastly, physical hobbies such as hitting the gym, swimming, and tennis have positive effects on both mental and physical health. It is often known that physical activity and mental well-being are closely linked. Regular exercise releases endorphins, which are organic mood enhancers and painkillers that help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Another important benefit of regular physical activity is improved sleep, which is essential for giving the brain the rest it needs for academic work. Moreover, according to researchers, people who frequently work out reported having fewer days when their mental health was poor. For students, it has been shown that those who engage in physical hobbies for just 30 minutes, three to five times a week, can significantly improve mood and help manage stress.

Balancing hobbies and studies for a healthy routine

Choosing a hobby that suits your interest and lifestyle is essential. The right hobby should be easily accessible and enjoyable of course. Whether creative, physical, or social, the key is finding an activity that resonates with you. The biggest challenge students face when pursuing hobbies is finding the time in a week full of assignments and lectures. However, as aforementioned, integrating hobbies to your schedule can improve productivity and academic performance by lowering stress and preventing burnout. Hence, it is important to identify spare time in your schedule to dedicate yourself to a hobby. Allocate specific periods for studying and hobbies, and stick to these commitments. This approach helps maintain a balanced lifestyle supporting your mental and emotional well-being. To experience the advantages for mental health, even 30 minutes a day may be sufficient. Therefore, it is very encouraged to create a healthy routine that allows productivity and relaxation. 

Practical tips on finding time for hobbies

Finding time for hobbies, even during exam periods, might seem challenging, but it is entirely possible with a bit of planning and prioritization. Here are some practical tips that will help you plan time for leisure activities during your academic commitments. Firstly, schedule your hobbies just like any other important task. You will be more likely to make time for those things and make them a common part of your routine by booking regular times for yourself to perform activities that you enjoy. Additionally, consider enjoyable but short breaks as "study breaks." This helps reset your mind but also keeps you engaging without taking away too much study time. Another important point could be planning ahead, setting realistic goals for not only studying but also leisure, without cramming everything to catch up all at once. Be flexible and adjust from plans, because some days are more productive than others; however, relieving even some minutes from stress and tension with your hobby can be really nice. This can eventually allow one to become more productive, even during the most hectic times of the year. 

To wrap up

Engaging in hobbies is not just about filling up your free time, they are essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Studies have found that participating in leisure activities can help lower stress, anxiety, and depression, while also enhancing mood and creativity. For university students, hobbies offer a break from academic stress, provide a creative outlet, and help foster social connections. By setting aside time for activities you enjoy, you can boost your well-being and enrich your university experience. Whether it is painting, playing a sport, or volunteering, making time for hobbies is a valuable investment in both your mental and physical health.

About this article

Written by:
  • Celina Madaschi
| Published on: Sep 01, 2024