In recent years, investors are beginning to prioritize environmental issues, social issues, and corporate governance when making investment decisions,...
Imagine you’re going to the store to buy your favourite soft drink “Dubbel Friss”, you notice on the packaging that it “contains a bit of dairy”. You ...
When people hear the city “Basel,” located in Switzerland, they often think of the Swiss football club FC Basel. Yet Basel also hosts one of the most ...
“How is an art piece related to a perfect face?” and “how is the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower related to the stock market?” These questions see...
“What Do Schoolteachers and Sumo Wrestlers Have in Common? How Is the Ku Klux Klan Like a Group of Real-Estate Agents?” Freakonomics: A Rogue Economis...
For years humanity has been able to unlock ingenious inventions to battle against obstacles of our development, from antibiotics to the internet. Yet ...
When analyzing some statistics in econometrics and related fields, the gender ratio emerges as a notable aspect. Historically, like many other are...
Doesn’t it sometimes feel like getting things done is impossible when the weather changes? During winter it seems impossible to sit at a desk and work...
In the wake of the recent controversy surrounding Nickelodeon and the troubling environment allegedly fostered by Dan Schneider in children’s televisi...
Last month, we saw the Japanese Yen at a 34-year low, past 160 per dollar. Back in the 1980s, economists discussed when Japan would surpass the US in ...
Although Covid might be a thing of the past, it is never too late to draw lessons from the unique natural economic experiment it has provided us with....
Individuals often make irrational decisions. We force ourselves to finish our meals, even if we’ve eaten too much and our stomachs hurt. We hold onto ...
As the preparation for the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, scheduled to take place from July 26th to August 11th, are approaching, anticipation ...
Throughout history, there's been a pattern where those with wealth tend to keep getting wealthier, while those with less struggle to catch up. This pa...
Wizards often face curses, so do witches and even regular people, unless you don’t believe in that kind of magic of course. For those of you who don’t...
As econometric students, many of us find ourselves captivated by the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and have aspirations to contribute ...
Many people, children and adults alike, love snowball fights. It is the ultimate game understood by everyone, who has ever witnessed snow. People may ...
We all know that private equity plays a central role in the corporate landscape. It fuels innovation, drives economic growth, and let’s face it, is ad...
Everyone likes a bit of drama or even a vivid conflict from time to time, especially when one gets to enjoy it from a safe distance. In that respect h...
Climate change is no unfamiliar account to anyone. For the last 30 years, countries have been exhausting their efforts (or so they claim) to reduce th...
Black Friday, traditionally the day following Thanksgiving, has become one of the year’s most anticipated shopping events. Shoppers eagerly await this...
Job loss due to AI, bot-network sustained spread of disinformation, monopolisation of internet all of these issues have recently gained traction in th...
Beginning of university is a magical time in many different ways, some start exploring their social life after finally moving out from their parents, ...
What would you do with roughly $1 million? Perhaps you’d buy yourself an extravagant house, maybe a new car or even treat yourself to a Mediterranean ...
Every year, the FAECTOR Consultancy Project unfolds, offering students a unique opportunity to harness their econometric expertise in the realm of pra...
For thousands of years men have been hypnotized by the night sky. They always wondered what secrets and mysteries were hiding behind its alluring and ...
In our world a single computer glitch or a missing character in a line of code can take down countries, like the Y2K glitch, where the software was no...
Intro China is a country like no other. With a history full of ups and downs, it now stands as one of the world’s global powers, a force to be re...
Big tech giants like Amazon, Google, Meta and the tech industry as whole have experienced tremendous growth over the past years. However, the recent d...
Since childhood, my parents always expected me to be in a certain way, to behave in a certain manner and never gave me the opportunity to ask why. Thi...